Thursday, February 2, 2012

i have been...

working on a few corsages that can be converted into headbands, wrist corsages and even brooches!

and i hope i can put them up for sale soon. =)

Monday, January 23, 2012

It will be a carousel.

I have this woodcraft thing lying around my house for the longest time and I've yet to start working on it. But before I start assembling, I will have to paint some colours on, I just can't let it stay plain.

And so I did some google-ing to just get some inspiration.

This carousel is by Louis Vuitton, picture taken from A White Carousel. Gorgeous isn't it? Not possible though, too white. I don't have tiny people with pretty clothes sitting on my horses.


The Mairie de Paris, picture taken from Paris And Beyond. Sheer beauty with snow in the background. Perhaps I could add a few crystals to my carousel to replace those light bulbs.

Saw these selling on a website called, Twenga.

Pink for the girl and blue for the boy? I need something more unisex.

This is just the perfect colour combination. Time to get the paints and start painting away!